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Museums- Single View

Rodin Gallery

1st Floor, Samsung Life Insurance Building, Taepyungro 2-ga, Joong-gu,
100-716 Seoul
Opening Hours
10.00 a.m. - 6 p.m. ( ticket sales until 5.00 p.m.); closed in Mon; Closed during exhibition preparation periods.
Contact Data
Tel.: 82-2-2259-7789
Fax: 82-2-2259-7795

"The Rodin Gallery is a place designed to promote culture and induce relaxation. It is a space where visitors can find personal renewal as well as appreciate the monumental sculptures of Auguste Rodin. Part of the Taepyungro Renovation Project planned to develop the area around Namdaemun (Seoul's original South Gate) into an urban and cultural center of the city, the Gallery opened to the public in May 1999 after three years of construction.


The Rodin Gallery is the world's eighth museum especially constructed for the display of Rodin's works; two of the sculptor's representative works, The Gates of Hell and The Burghers of Calais, are on permanent display in the Glass Pavilion. The adjacent galleries are dedicated to presenting temporary exhibitions of Rodin-related art and modern and contemporary art from Korea and overseas.


The Gallery's team of curators researches, exhibits, and educates visitors about the works of Rodin, the master of modern sculpture, and about artists from Korea and overseas who are prominent in modern and contemporary art. In addition, the Rodin Gallery's programming of music concerts manifests its commitment to providing the public with a place of culture where the boundaries of art can be expanded."


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