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Giorgio Lotti - CONTRASTO

Via degli Scialoia, 3
00196 Rome 00196 Rome

Contact Data
Contact: Giorgio Lotti
Tel.: +39 06 328281
Fax: +39 06 32828240

"Giorgio Lotti was born in Milan 1937.
He began to work 1957, collaborating as free-lance for some newspapers and magazines like "Milan Sera", "La Notte", "Il Mondo", "Settimo giorno", "Paris Match".
In 1964 he joins Epoca managed by Nando Sampietro staying there until the magazine closed in1997.

In 1973, he received the award of the University of Photojournalism of Columbia, °The World Understanding Award" for a reportage produced in China.

Among the books he has published we can mention: "Venezia muore" (Milan, 1970), "Il Duomo Avvelenato" (Persico Editore, 1972), "Il Teatro alla Scala" (Mondadori, 1978), "Luce Mare" (Baldini editore 1981), "Cina, Cina, Cina" & with preface of Deng Xiao Ping & (Baldini editore 1986), "Firenze 1966, il diluvio dell'ira e del miracolo" (Nicolini editore, 1991) texts by Guido Gerosa and Daniela Palazzoli.

In 1973, during his travels in China, he realized the portrait of Zhou en Lai, the most published picture worldwide (over one hundred copies).

"Giorgio Lotti, speciale monografia", Progresso fotografico, September 1978, edited by Attilio Colombo
"I grandi fotografi", Gruppo Editoraiale Fabbri, 1982, texts by Romeo Martinez, Bruno Munari and Attilio Colombo
"Cento anni di cinema", Fotopratica, 1995
"40 anni di storia raccontati dai grandi oftografi di Epoca", Fotopratica, 1997, edited by Laura Leonelli and Gianni Baumberger

"The Land", Londra 1979, by Bill Brand
"Danza Internazionale", Sicof Milano 1985
"Giorgio Lotti, Fotogiornalismo", 1986
"Peace and Existance of the contemporary man", New York 1986
"Ignoto a me stesso, ritratti di grandi scrittori", Torino 1987
"CinaCinaCina", Castelfranco Veneto 1987, by Gino Oliva
"I sette fotografi di Epoca", Castelfranco Veneto 1989, by Gino Oliva
"Fotografia italiana", 1991
"La raccolta fotografica di Franco Fontana", Modena 1991
"Diario immaginario", Bergamo 1993
"Giorgio Lotti: Fotogiornalismo", Il diaframma Milano 1993, by Lanfranco Colombo
"Giorgio Lotti, Fotografia di cinema", Cinemazero Pordenone 1994, by Marco Rossitti
"Un secolo di ritratto", Biennale di Venezia 1995, (imagines section portraits of Vittorio Gassman and Enrico Berlinguer), by Italo Zannier
"Luce colore emozioni", San Marino, 1996
"Trash ", Palazzo delle albere Trento 1997, by Lea Vergine
"Giorgio Lotti: luce, colore, emozioni", Varese 1997, b Flaminio Gualdoni, catalog edition Lativa
"Giorgio Lotti: luce, colore, emozioni", Pavullo 1997
"Imagina, I grandi fotografi di Epoca raccontano il mondo", Verona Scavi scaligeri 1998, by Laura Leonelli, catalog Leonardo Arte
"Imagina, I grandi fotografi di Epoca raccontano il mondo", Italian Photography Foundation, Torino 1999 by Laura Leonelli and Denis Curtis

He takes part to many Sicof editions by Lanfranco Colombo.
In 1995, during the 16th Sicof he received the award the "Horus Sicof 1995" for his rule inside the Italian photography.
He also has been given a price for his reportages dedicated to the Serenissima by the city of.
In 1994, in Modena, he received the famous literature price "Città di Modena".

Some of his images are in kept in famous museums of United States, Tokyo, Beijing, at Royal Victoria Albert Museum of London, at Cabinet of Estamper of Paris, at University Study center of Parma, at the Civic Gallery of Modena.

In the last ten years he focalizes on photography research regarding colors and art."


"Contrasto is a unique enterprise in the field of photography. Contrasto was born in the 80's to be a point of reference for quality photojournalism.

The agency's photographers, in addition to its close contact with the information and culture worlds, allows Contrasto to be a leader in the field of author photography.

Its vast range of activities (production and distribution of images for journalism, advertising and image consulting, fashion and publishing, archives available online) is guaranteed by the various resources it draws from; Most notably Magnum, the prestigious agency founded by Robert Capa and Henri Cartier-Bresson.

Contrasto is publishing house as well, working to realize photographic books, and exhibits in cooperation with Italy's public and private institutions.

The high level of Contrasto photographers' amounts to a gallery of unique images suitable for collecting purposes as well."

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