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Fotografen - Einzelansicht

Clemente Bernad - CONTRASTO

Via degli Scialoia, 3
00196 Roma

Kontakt: Clemente Bernad
Tel.: 06 328281
Fax: 06 32828240

"Clemente Bernad was born in Pamplona, Spain, in 1963. He graduated in photography, cinema, and video at the University of Barcelona.
In 1987 he started to realize reportages focusing on social themes. His first project documented five years of Andalusian labourers' daily life, "Jornaleros". In 1994 he received the PhotoPress Award in Human Rights for his work entitled "Women without a Land", a reportage on Saharawi women living in refugee camps in Southern Algeria. Between 1994 and 1996 he moved to Chiapas in order to document the effects of the Zapatista revolution. Since 1995 Bernad has participated at several photographic projects, such as: "Open Spain" at the CCP of Chicago; "Alicante: a visual contemporary poem" for the CAM foundation; "Pauvres de nous" (The poor among us), for the association "Les petits frères des Pauvres", which was about social outcasts in Europe; "The search for Spain" for National Geographic/RBA; "Vision Mediterranean" for the CAM foundation; "Málaga Body and Shadow"; "The New Madrid Cartography" focused on Senegalese immigrants.
Over the past years Bernad has worked in the Basque Country, capturing the sense of conflicts and contradictions of the nationalist movement. At the end of 2000, he managed to finish his "Basque Chronicles" long-term project. In 1999 La Fábrica published his "Photobolsillo" volume (monographs on Spanish photographers). In 2002 he published the book "Canopus", regarding the Argentinian crisis. In 2004 he has published the book "Malika's dream", story of the return of Malika Laaroussi's corpse back home. Malika was a young girl from Morocco who died trying to reach Spain on a small boat. Bernad also realized a documentary film on the subject.
His photos have been exhibited at the Arles RIP, Visa pour l'Image and at several collectives and individual exhibitions. He has carried out his latest works in the Middle East and Latin America.
Clemente Bernad currently lives in Pamplona and joined Contrasto in 2000."

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