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Fotografen - Einzelansicht

Giuseppe Pino - CONTRASTO

Via degli Scialoia, 3
00196 Rome

Kontakt: Giuseppe Pino
Tel.: +39 06 328281
Fax: +39 06 32828240

"Giuseppe Pino was born in Milan in 1940 from a cocktail of French, Swiss and Sicilian's blood. In 1962 he begins to photograph by chance: even though his first aspiration was the italian graphic of the golden years, he ends up attending a photographic course. Firstly he practises at Panorama, where he works as reporter/ portraitist for seven years; his main duty at Panorama is to ideate and realize the magazine covers.
In 1973, he moves to New York intensifying his relations with record companies. During this time he realizes covers for his great passion: Jazz interpreters. The whole time of his stay in USA he lives the turmoil of the magic jazz world, catching its most intimate moments with his emblematic pictures. Portrait is still his passion and speciality; twenty years after Ugo Mulas's portraits he photographs pop artists and many personalities of culture and showbiz.
At the end of the Eighties, Giuseppe Pino comes back to Italy enlarging his portrait's series to architects, designers, stylists and leading people of financial world. But labels doesn't suit him, so he reinvents himself realizing pictures of nude art, advertising and fashion. In the Nineties his game-bag increases, as he gets the image's responsibility of two going Italian companies: Meritalia and Stefanel.
Irony, graphic and surrealism, all elements that come through his pictures often recur, but every shot is marked out by a concept that adds a value to his image.
Giuseppe Pino published his pictures on magazines all over the world. He took part at many exhibitions, mostly personal than collective, international than national, even though he never cultivated public relations. In 2002 he published his first book, "Jazz My Love", for contrasto.

Giuseppe Pino began his collaboration with contrasto in 2002."


"Contrasto is a unique enterprise in the field of photography. Contrasto was born in the 80's to be a point of reference for quality photojournalism.

The agency's photographers, in addition to its close contact with the information and culture worlds, allows Contrasto to be a leader in the field of author photography.

Its vast range of activities (production and distribution of images for journalism, advertising and image consulting, fashion and publishing, archives available online) is guaranteed by the various resources it draws from; Most notably Magnum, the prestigious agency founded by Robert Capa and Henri Cartier-Bresson.

Contrasto is publishing house as well, working to realize photographic books, and exhibits in cooperation with Italy's public and private institutions.

The high level of Contrasto photographers' amounts to a gallery of unique images suitable for collecting purposes as well."

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