Singapore's Inaugural International Biennale of Contemporary Art ....
Participating Artists
The Singapore Biennale 2006 (SB2006), Singapore's inaugural international biennale of contemporary art, will open to the public on 4 September 2006. This major international contemporary art exhibition will feature 95 artists and artist collectives from over 38 countries and regions including Singapore. It will be the first significant cultural event to bring contemporary visual art practices into the daily lives of Singaporeans.
BELIEF takes many forms, and the selection of artists
and art works, which will include: architecture, biotechnology,
drawing, installation, new media, painting, performance,
photography, sculpture, sound projects and video, will reflect
this. Many of the art works will be specially commissioned new
works. Some of the more internationally recognised artists
participating in SB2006 include Shahidul Alam (Drik
Picture Library), Shigeru Ban, Amanda Heng, Jenny Holzer,
Eduardo Kac, Mariko Mori, Carsten Nicolai, Jaume Plensa and
Agus Suwage ...
In addition to the core team of curators, more than 35 networking curators from all over the world have also been invited to contribute information on artists. These networking curators were selected based on their expertise in specific geographical regions as well as in specific mediums.
Advice museo-on: Detailed information about the networking curators you can find under "The Curatorial Team".

In our "News" ("Aktuelles") you can find detailed information about each of the 95 participating artists from over 38 countries and regions including Singapore.
All artists are labled with the logo above.
About the Artists
Artist Name - Born - Genter - Gennre - Place of Birth - Lives & Works- New Work
Ebtisam Abdul Aziz 1975 V New Media United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates YES
Bani Abidi 1971 F Video Pakistan Pakistan YES
Aida Makoto 1965 M Video / Installation Japan Japan NO
Vyacheslav Akhunov 1948 M Video / Installation Uzbekistan Uzbekistan NO
Jane Alexander 1959 F Sculpture South Africa South Africa YES
Brooke Alfaro 1949 M Video Panama Panama NO
Jonathan Allen 1966 M Photography / Performance UK UK YES
Eugenio Ampudia 1968 M New Media / Installation Spain Spain NO
Nuha Asad 1983 F Video / Performance United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates YES
Agathe de Bailliencourt 1974 F Wall Painting France Singapore YES
Alwar Balasubramaniam 1971 M Sculpture India India YES
Shigeru Ban 1957 M Architecture Japan Japan YES
Yason Banal 1972 M Installation Philippines Philipines & UK YES
- Bigert & Bergström:
Lars Bergström 1962 M Video Sweden Sweden NO
Mats Bigert 1965 M Video Sweden Sweden NO
Johanna Billing 1973 F Video Sweden Sweden YES
Scott Bowe 1976 M Video USA USA NO
Luchezar Boyadjiev 1957 M Performance Bulgaria Bulgaria YES
Philip Brophy 1959 M Installation Australia Australia NO
Sheba Chhacchi 1958 F Photography / Video / Installation India India YES
George Chua 1973 M Sound / Performance Singapore Singapore YES
Alwyn Lim 1975 M Sound / Singapore Singapore YES
Yuen Chee Wai 1975 M Sound / Performance Singapore Singapore YES
- Com & Com:
Johannes M. Hedinger 1971 M Performance / Switzerland Switzerland
Marcus Gossolt 1969 M Performance / Video Switzerland Switzerland YES
Santiago Cucullu 1969 M Drawing / Painting / Installation Argentina USA YES
Muratbek Djumaliev 1965 F Video Kyrgzstan Kyrgzstan NO
Gulnara Kasmalieva 1960 M Video Kyrgzstan Kyrgzstan NO
Drik Picture Library Ltd - Formed in 1989 Photography Bangladesh Bangladesh YES
Simryn Gill 1959 F Photography / Installation Singapore Malaysia &Australia YES
Hossein Golba 1956 M Installation Iran Japan & Italy NO
Khaled Hafez 1963 M New Media Egypt Egypt NO
Usman Haque 1971 MNew Media / Installation USA UK YES
Takafumi Hara 1968 M Installation Japan Japan YES
N.S. Harsha 1969 M Drawing / Painting India India YES
Amanda Heng 1951 F Multi-disciplinary Singapore Singapore YES
Federico Herrero 1978 M Wall Drawing / Installation Costa Rica Costa Rica YES
Ho Tzu Nyen 1976 M Video / Film / Installation Singapore Singapore YES
Jenny Holzer 1950 F Media Installation USA USA YES
- Through Popular Expression Project *
Hu Fang (Curator) 1970 M Video Installation China China NO
Zhang Wei (Curator) 1973 F Video Installation China China NO
*Through Popular ExpressionArtists: Cao Fei (b. 1978, Guangzhou, China); Jun Yang (b. 1975, China); MAP Office (since 2000); Xu Tan (b. 1957, Wuhan, China); Xu Zhen (b. 1977, Shanghai, China); Zhang Yuan (b. 1963, Jiangsu, China); Zheng Guogu (b. 1970, Guangdong, China)
IEPE 1974 M Installation Netherlands Germany YES
Uchechukwu James Iroha 1972 M Photography Nigeria Nigeria NO
Jeon Joonho 1969 M New Media South Korea South Korea YES
Jin Shan 1977 M Interactive Installation China China YES
Charles Juhasz- Alvarado 1965 M Installation Philippines Puerta Rico YES
Eduardo Kac 1962 M Biotechnology Brazil USA YES
Otto Karvonen 1975 M Performance /Installation Finland Finland YES
Amal el Kenawy 1974 F Video Egypt Egypt NO
Shin Il Kim 1971 M New Media / Installation South Korea South Korea NO
Barbara Kruger 1945 F Media Installation USA USA YES
Kuo I-Chen 1979 M Installation Taiwan Taiwan YES
Vladimir Kuprianov 1954 M Installation Russia Russia YES
Takashi Kuribayashi 1968 M Installation Japan Japan YES
Yayoi Kusama 1929 F Installation Japan Japan YES
- Learning Site - Formed in 2004:
Cecilia Wendt F Installation USA USA YES
Rikke Luther F Installation Denmark Denmark YES
Julio Castro M Installation Mexico Mexico YES
Jose Legaspi 1959 M Painting Philippines Philippines YES
Lim Tzay Chuen 1972 M Installation Singapore Singapore YES
Liu Jianhua 1962 M Installation China China NO
Cristina Lucas 1973 F Video Spain Spain NO
Jennifer Wen Ma 1973 F Video China New York YES
Daniel Malone 1970 M Performance New Zealand New Zealand YES
Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle 1961 M New Media / Sculpture Spain Spain YES
- System Design:
Hiroyuki Matsukage 1965 M Installation Japan Japan
Sumihasa Arima 1965 M Installation Japan Japan NO
- Mogas Station- Formed in 2005:
Hoang Duong Cam M PublishingVietnam Vietnam YES
Gulschan Gothel F Publishing Germany Vietnam YES
Sandrine Llouquet F Publishing France Vietnam YES
Jun Nguyen- Hatsushiba M Publishing Japan Vietnam YES
Bertrand Peret M France Vietnam YES
Rich Streitmatter-Tran M Vietnam Vietnam YES
Tam Vo Phi M Publishing Vietnam Vietnam YES
Mohammad Kazem 1969 M New Media United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates YES
Julio Cesar Morales 1966 M Installation Mexico Mexico YES
Mariko Mori 1967 F Installation Japan Japan NO
Muhanned Cader 1966 M Drawing Sri Lanka Sri Lanka YES
Carsten Nicolai 1965 M New Media / Installation Germany Germany NO
Tomás Ochoa 1965 M Video Ecuador Switzerland NO
Donna Ong 1978 F Installation Singapore Singapore YES
Prachaya Phinthong 1974 M Installation Thailand Thailand YES
Thiago Rocha Pitta 1980 M Installation Brazil Brazil YES
Jaume Plensa 1955 M Installation Spain Spain &France YES
Wilfredo Prieto 1978 M Installation Cuba Cuba YES
Ana Prvacki 1976 F Performance / Installation Serbia Singapore YES
Chatchai Puipia 1964 M Painting Thailand Thailand YES
Rizman Putra 1978 M Performance / Installation Singapore Singapore YES
Imran Qureshi 1972 M Drawing / Painting Pakistan Pakistan YES
- R&Sie(n) + D + L - Collaboration since 1999:
François Roche M Installation France France YES
Stephanie Lavaux F Installation France France YES
Jean Navarro M Installation France France YES
Benoit Durandin M Installation France France YES
Younès Rahmoun 1975 M Installation Morocco Morocco YES
Rashid Rana 1968 M Painting / New Media Pakistan Pakistan YES
Gustavo Romano 1958 M New Media Argentina Argentina NO
Roy Samaha 1978 M Video / Film Lebanon Lebanon NO
Handiwirman Saputra 1975 M Painting Indonesia Indonesia YES
Hiroshi Sugimoto 1948 M Photography / Video Japan USA NO
Ashok Sukumaran 1974 M New Media / Installation Japan India YES
Nakhee Sung 1971 F Wall Drawing / Installation South Korea South Korea YES
Agus Suwage 1959 M Installation Indonesia Indonesia YES
Titarubi 1968 F Installation Indonesia Indonesia YES
Brian Gothong Tan 1980 M New Media Singapore Singapore YES
Erika Tan 1967 F Installation Singapore UK YES
Tang Maohong 1975 M Installation China Shanghai YES
Ana Maria Tavares 1958 F Installation Brazil Brazil YES
Tsai Charwei 1980 F Installation Taiwan New York YES
Mark Wallinger 1959 M Video / Installation UK UK YES
Jason Wee 1978 M Installation Singapore Singapore YES
Jagath Weerasinghe 1954 M Painting / Installation Sri Lanka Sri Lanka NO
Xu Bing 1955 M Installation China USA YES
Yee I-Lann 1971 F Photography Malaysia Malaysia NO
- YKON - Formed in 2003:
Tellervo Kalleinen F Installation Finland Finland YES
Oliver Kochta- Kalleinen M Installation Germany Finland YES
Sasha Huber M Installation Switzerland Finland YES
Petri Saarikko M Installation Finland Finland YES
20 July 2006